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The West, Globalisation and Pussy Riot: Portrayals of Russia and Eurasia’s Enemies in the Work of Aleksandr G. Dugin

  • Vladimír Naxera
Geopolitics in post-Soviet Russia has become not only a respected scientific field, but also a tool of practical policy and to a certain degree a new ideology, which in the 1990s helped to fill the normative vacuum that arose due to the collapse of communism. Aleksandr G. Dugin holds an exclusive position...

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Fatality Sensitivity: Factors Shaping British, Polish and Australian Public Opinion on the 2003 Iraq War

  • Piotr Lis
This paper investigates fatality sensitivity of public opinion in coalition countries that participate in war efforts but are not a leading force. The analysis is based on opinion polls measuring public attitudes towards the involvement in the Iraq war of three countries: the United Kingdom, Poland and...

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Geopolitics of Secession: Post-Soviet De Facto States and Russian Geopolitical Strategy

  • Martin Riegl
  • Bohumil Doboš
While the bipolar Cold War system in Europe was characterized by a stability of borders, the end of the Cold War brought into the former Soviet bloc a wave of more or less successful attempts of secession. In our article we point out that unrecognized entities in the proximity of Russia are not genuine...

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Political Economy of Ungoverned Space and Crude Oil Security Challenges in Nigeria’s Niger Delta

  • Nsemba Edward Lenshie
After the discovery of crude oil at Oloibiri in 1956, the government of Nigeria shifted concentration from agriculture. As crude oil production expanded with colossal effects on the environment in the Niger Delta, it created an ungoverned space which  militants exploited to direct their agression at...

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On the Possible Foreign Policy of the Post-Putin Russia: The Case of Alexei Navalny’s Viewpoints on Foreign Affairs

  • Artem Patalakh
The study delves into the foreign policy plans of Alexei Navalny, the Russian politician who is currently commonly regarded as the most prominent opposition leader and the sole plausible alternative to Vladimir Putin. Drawing on his interviews, public speeches, media publications and electoral manifestos,...

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Normalization of U.S.-Cuban Relations: The End of the ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ Policy – the End of the Cold War?

  • Lucia Argüellová
After the 1959 triumph of Cuban revolution and before the 2017 U.S. policy change that ended the preferential treatment of Cuban arrivals, the U.S. approach to Cuban migrants and refugees reflected U.S. foreign policy goals locked into the Cold War mind-set. This article argues that over a five-decade-long...

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Securitizing Migration, Europeanizing Czechs?

  • Kristýna Tamchynová
Lately, we have witnessed continuing heightened migration to Europe. Despite this not being a new phenomenon, it has been often described as such. One of the possible explanations for this narrative of exception is that migration is being securitised in order to strengthen the EU, and its identity. The...

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Establishing the Complexity of the Islamic State’s Visual Propaganda

  • Vít Střítecký
  • Petr Špelda
Security analysts have not systematically studied visual discourses, even if they apparently play a prominent role in current propaganda efforts. The article intends to address this disciplinary insufficiency by introducing an inter-scientific approach to analysing large visual data samples. The article...

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Czech Responses to Thatcher and Thatcherism: The Evidence of the Newspapers, 1984-2013

  • Gerald Power
  • Jaroslav Weinfurter
This article explores change and continuity in the evolution of the mainstream Czech and Czechoslovak discourse on Thatcherism and Margaret Thatcher’s own political persona. It examines the attitudes and positions on these matters as expressed and channelled through Czech-language mass print platforms,...

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Power Politics and Energy Politics: Two Sides of the Same Euro Coin

  • Markos Troulis
The growing EU energy market and the decline of its domestic hydrocarbon reserves have made the EU-Russia energy relations a very debatable and significant issue of the very near future. It is unquestioned that energy trade is found at the core of every political entity or group of entities desiring...

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The Narrative of the Czech-Israeli Strategic Relations in the European Context

  • Marek Čejka
This article is a particular case study that analyzes the causes and assumptions of how the Czech political elite looks towards Israel and how this view affects the fact that current Czech-Israeli relations have such a high standard in the European context and that the state of Israel has one of its...

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The EU, Kosovo and Serbia: The Quest for the Status

  • Andrej Semenov
The task of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it classifies and explores the three approaches to solving the conflict in Kosovo. The first approach, coined into the phrase ‘Kosovo as a unique case’, undermines academic debates revolving around Kosovo and it is of no use for scientific purposes. The second...

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From the End of History to the Post-American World: Global Politics, Economy and Security at the Turn of the Epoch

  • Miloš Balabán
The author analyses a number of major works by American scholars (Fukuyama, Huntington, Zakaria, Nye, Haass, Mearsheimer, Brzezinski, Jentleson, Wright, Ikenberry, Jones) that examine the global power shifts, especially with regard to the changing position and role of the US as the leading Western power....

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Features, Aims and Limits of Turkey’s Humanitarian Diplomacy

  • Federico Donelli
Several scholars agree that Turkey applied humanitarian diplomacy as part of its global opening, a consequence of which is that it became a medium global player. However, it is still not clear – and thus still under research – what does Turkey’s experience teach us regarding humanitarian diplomacy? For...

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The Alawites and the Labyrinthine Routes of Peace in Syria

  • Michal Prokop
For the past six years, Syria has been trapped in a deep political turmoil, which has had a grave impact on peace and stability in the Middle East. Amid the rising atrocities committed on the Syrian population by the Syrian government, the rebels and the Islamic state, the Russian Federation decided...

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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and post-Soviet Central Asia: New Multilateral Bank Formation in the Context of China’s Economic Interaction with post-Soviet Central Asian Countries

  • Ksenia Muratshina
This paper analyses what consequences the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) formation brings to partnerships between the People’s Republic of China and the post-Soviet states of Central Asia—the Republics of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Given that Beijing...

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The Beijing Consensus: Characteristics of China’s Official Development Finance in Ghana, 2000–2013

  • Iva Sojková
Chinese development financial flows provided to African recipients have gained a lot of attention for their volume and nature representing an alternative approach to development. It is the aim of the article to examine the observance of principles of the Chinese development model, the Beijing Consensus,...

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Polish-Ukrainian Relations, Euromaidan and the Donbass Conflict: The Challenges for Warsaw

  • Miron Lakomy
This article contributes to the discussion about the multidimensional consequences of the crisis and conflict in Ukraine. It focuses on the rarely discussed subject of the implications of the events in this country since 2013 for Polish-Ukrainian relations from Warsaw's perspective. This article has...

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Involved in The Middle East – George W. Bush versus Barack Obama

  • Aneta Hlavsová
This article evaluates the different foreign policy approaches of the United States Administration under the 43rd and 44th presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, towards the Middle East. They each projected a completely different style of conflict resolution strategy. While George Bush is known...

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Iran’s Regional Ambitions: The Rising Power of Azerbaijan’s Neighbour

  • Lucie Švejdová
Bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Iran are complex and filled with escalating tensions, demographic and territorial challenges, as well as mutually beneficial cooperation. With economic sanctions lifted (at the time of this writing) as a result of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran...

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International Terrorism - Current Challenges and Legal Means of Protection in the Czech Republic

  • Jiří Jelínek
The article analyses two current issues relating to the contemporary international terrorism. Firstly, it is the ingrowth or merging of international terrorism with organised crime, as a criminological or sociological problem. Secondly, it is the threat posed by the growing number of persons referred...

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The EU’s Normative Impact on its Neighbourhood

  • Mats Braun
  • Adisa Avdic
  • Anna Gromilova
  • Gabriela Ozel Volfova
The paper examines the relevance of Ian Manners’ ‘normative power Europe’ concept and argues that the concept benefits from its closer integration into the general norm diffusion literature in international relations. The paper emphasises that the European Union’s capability of having an impact on what...

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The Challenge from Merkel’s Right: Alternative for Germany and the Alliance for Progress and Renewal in Bavaria and Eastern Germany

  • Richard R. Moeller
Abstract: In the past three years two new political parties have been established in Germany and both approach recent economic, social and civil issues from the political Right. The Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD) can indeed be viewed further to the right than the Alliance...

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Causes of Conflicts and Methods or Resolution in the Caucasus

  • Nino Kereselidze
Abstract: After the collapse of the USSR and the outbreak of armed conflicts in the Caucasus, international relations scholars and practitioners have sought explanations about causes of conflicts and ways to their resolution. This article poses why conflicts have erupted in the countries of the former...

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The Role of Internet Based Social Networks in Russian Protest Movement Mobilization

  • Vladimir Remmer
Abstract: One of the unmistakable characteristics of Russia’s “White House” uprising that led to regime change in August 1991 was its broad popular support. The political upheaval that initially found buttress in Muscovite urban middle classes soon transcended all social strata and geography ending dominance...

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Overcoming the “Dutch Disease”: The Economic Modernisation of Gulf monarchies into the 21st Century

  • Pavlo Ignatiev
Abstract: This article deals with necessity of oil-rich countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to move away from commodities export in favour of more diversified economies in times of low prices of crude oil. Issues, including the rise of alternative branches of industry, shifts in agriculture...

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The Role of European Security Organisations in the Conflict in Ukraine

  • Zbyněk Dubský
  • Radka Havlová
Abstract: The present conflict in Ukraine is considered one of the most significant crises in Europe since the disintegration of Yugoslavia. And, it is taking place in a very specific area with special interests of external actors. The conflict, which has escalated into a war, has been regulated and,...

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Regime Theory as IR Theory: Reflection on Three Waves of ‘Isms’

  • Nik Hynek
This article analyzes the significance of regime theory, or regimes theorization, for the field of International Relations. It tries to reflect on theoretical affinities between the two, with an intention to recast regime theory as IR theory. While this may not be surprising given that regime theory...

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Biafra’s Resurgence: State Failure, Insecurity and Separatist Agitations in Nigeria

  • Kingsley Emeka Ezemenaka
  • Jan Prouza
Abstract: This work critically examines the issues undermining the unification of Nigeria, using indicators and concepts including failed state, separatist agitation and insecurity. It forays into the inherent issues underlying the Biafran movement and the ways in which those issues, as well as Biafran...

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NATO and Environmental Security: Understanding the Limits of the Alliance`s Transformation during Détente

  • Yulia Boguslavskaya
Abstract: The article explores the founding of NATO’s Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS). The founding of CCMS made NATO—an organisation which was established mainly for territorial defence—deal with the issue of environmental protection. Thus, NATO received, for the first time, a task...

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