The philosophical foundation of environmental development law in Indonesian society currently is still dominated by western philosophers who are capitalistic, liberalist and individual, who emphasize on human aspect as creatures who are free to exploit their living environment, so that it tends to be anti-ecological. Copious approach on scientific method and rational analytical thinking has emerged anti-ecological attitude. Economic development (consumptive) and infinite growth of technology cause the disruption of the balance of nature, and and it will slowly cause huge damage. That philosophical foundation has dragged human to a cliff and a lowest point of the development of law that merely puts forward regulation aspects and state policy (centralized), through a management model that has the quality of command and control, the policy of environmental development has not seen a chance in local wisdom/culture values, that is religious-cosmic culture in Sundanese community environment.

The philosophical foundation of environmental law which puts forward the local wisdom can be established if there is empowerment movement, massive concern in order to encourage the creation of the concept of equality relation between human and universe, formal aspect of material and substantial aspect in the development of environmental law. It forms the awareness of interdependence on all life forms. The philosophical foundation of environmental development law in Indonesia must give back the opportunity for the establishment of the various relations as the form of creation of the better ecological life, that is the relationship between God, Human, and Environmental life. To develop a philosophical foundation of environmental development law which based on local wisdom/culture religious, social and empowerment movement are absolute things.


Mella Ismelina Farmas Rahayu is affiliated to the Universitas Tarumanagara.

Anthon F. Susanto is affiliated to the Universitas Pasundan.

Liya Sukma Muliya is affiliated to the Universitas Islam Bandung.
