This research aims to describe and analyze the authority of the Military Police of the Indonesian Air Force in handling national airspace boundaries.
The method applied in this research is a qualitative method. The data used in this research are primary and secondary data. The data collection techniques are carried out by in-depth interviews, literature studies and documentation studies. The data analysis used the interactive data analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman which consist of data reduction, data presentation, and ended with conclusion drawing/ verification.
The findings show that in dealing with national airspace boundaries, the Military Police of the Indonesian Air Force only has the authority to carry out preliminary investigations against parties who violate national airspace boundaries. Furthermore, after carrying out the initial investigation, the Military Police of the Indonesian Air Force hand over the cases to the Civil Servant Investigators which are legally given the authority to carry out investigations against parties who committed violations of national airspace. The limited authority of the Military Police of the Indonesian Air Force, in dealing with national airspace violations, is because up to now, Indonesia has not had laws that regulate the management of airspace and regulate those who have the authority to investigate any violations in national airspace boundaries.


Nicolas Sinaga is affiliated to the Security Studies Program, Universitas Padjadjaran , Bandung, Indonesia.
